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Hello. I'm a new user, sorry if I missed the info.

I'm not using any DAW and wanted to use the standalone version as a multitimbral module behind a "midi only" sequencer and a virtual midi cable (I'm on WIN10 and currently uses sf2 files loaded in the "virtualmidisynth" driver).
It's possible to launch several instances of the .exe and each is receiving the midi messages but it seems currently not possible to select a midi channel.
Is there an implementation planned for either
- a multitimbral .exe (loading 16 presets in "tabs"), or
- a way to filter the midi channel in the current .exe implementation.

This would be then allow a "running from a stick" use.
A third solution would be to select the zone using the midi channel number like it's already possible for the velocity (loVel, HiVel) and CC but I don't think it's a good idea as this would makes more difficult to share presets.

Thanks for this well made sampler and the video explaining the sampling process.
in Using the Sampler by benoitruelle (120 points)

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