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+1 vote
My settings got messed up. I would love to be able to delete my settings file, but I don't know where DS stores its settings.
in Using the Sampler by

1 Answer

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The locations where the plugin stores its configuration files varies by operating system and plugin format.


Type of File Directory 
Settings file
Sample library database
Cover Art CacheC:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Decidedly\DecentSampler/Cover Art
Sample Library (Default Location)C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Decidedly\DecentSampler\Sample Libraries
Log FilesC:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\DecentSampler


Type of File Directory 
Settings file
~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Decidedly/DecentSampler
Sample library database
~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Decidedly/DecentSampler
Cover Art Cache~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Decidedly/DecentSampler/Cover Art
Sample Library (Default Location)~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Decidedly/DecentSampler/Sample Libraries
Log Files~/Library/Logs/DecentSampler


Type of File Directory 
Settings file
Sample library database
Cover Art Cache~/.config/DecentSampler/Cover Art
Sample Library (Default Location)~/.config/DecentSampler/Sample Libraries
Log Files~/.config/DecentSampler
by decentsamples (6.2k points)
edited by decentsamples